A Thank You Post

Now that I have had a few weeks to digest my channel swim, I have decided to write a dedicated thank you post for all the people who have made achieving my dream possible. There have been so many people who have helped me in big and small ways to move toward my goal! Although I was in the water by myself and my swim is called a “solo”, the channel truly is a team endeavor.

My parents and my sister Jenna have supported me (even though they thought I was a little crazy) from the day told them about my dream to one-day swim the channel. From driving me to early morning practices to making sure I eat enough before a big swim my parents are always behind me. Jenna is always there if I need a piece of advice or cheering up for any reason. My girlfriend Maddy has been a huge support for me by keeping me positive and also helping me refocus whenever I hit a setback during my training. Even though she sometimes thinks my sport is crazy, she has been incredible and kept me sane throughout my road to the channel.

My crew in England, specifically Coach Kim and Paige, were also instrumental to my success, both in the months leading up to the swim and during the swim itself. Coach Kim was one of the first coaches who helped me believe that I could actually swim the channel and helped me turn an abstract dream into a concrete goal. He also stood on the deck of the ship watching over me for the entire 13 hours of my swim without any breaks. I honestly believe that my success is in large part due to Kim’s dedication and confidence in me. Paige has been a friend and inspiration to me since I first tracked her Channel crossing in 2014. She supported me during my training through both her friendship and also by answering all my crazy questions. It was amazing to have someone to talk to who had already been through the mental and physical challenges I was taking on.

My training partner Rebecca was also a huge part of my achievement. Not only did Rebecca and I train together throughout the summer and the past few years, we were also able to swim the channel on the same day. Rebecca has helped keep me grounded during our training and also motivated me to show up and be my best at every training session. Swimming the channel has a tremendous mental aspect and having a training partner to share that burden with is really amazing. I am so glad we were in England together and that we swam on the same day; this is a connection we now share! Knowing that she was in that water with me (even though I couldn’t see her) and that she was experiencing similar things to me was helpful motivation while I was pushing through the channel.

My team and all the swimmers I have trained with over the past year have supported me and made all the training and hard work fun and exciting. The Wild Bunch believed in my ability to succeed and kept me motivated throughout my training. The swimmers of the Santa Monica Bathing Society and Tower 26 kept me company in the ocean and made very training session new and exciting. All the Culver Plunge morning swimmers have encouraged me to work hard every day and also put up with me sharing their lane during long workouts.

My training was supported by a number of fantastic kayakers, including Jax, Melissa, Maddy, Gino. These four individuals have spent an ungodly amount of time supporting me from a kayak and keeping me safe in the water. Without their support and guidance, I would be a very lost and hungry swimmer during my long training swims. In addition, their positive attitudes kept me motivated throughout my training. I am so greatful for all the support, thanks so much for cheering me on!







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